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Serving Size: 18 oz

Cook Time: 5 min

Prep Time: 15 min

Lemongrass Limeade Tea



Lemongrass Honey Syrup:

  • 1/2 cup honey*

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1 lemongrass stalk**

  • 2 slices galangal (optional spice)

  • 2 slices ginger (optional spice)

Limeade Mixture:

  • 1-2 cups water

  • 1-2 cups ice

  • 1/2 cups lime juice (2 whole limes)

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

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*You can substitute honey with equal parts sugar.

**Substitute with 3 lemongrass tea bags.

Foodie Facts

  • Dilute to your taste buds. Add a little more water or ice if the flavors are too strong.

  • Adding a little salt helps balance the sour taste and compliments the sweetness! The extra spices from the ginger and galangal gives additional medicinal properties.

  • Lemongrass tea comes with many health benefits. Did you also know that galangal is good for arthritis? Ginger is also great for blood circulation and nausea. It's no wonder that this mix is a cure-all tea!

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Wooden Surface



This is one of my original recipes inspired by two mixes. Whenever somebody is sick in the family, there are two miracle drinks:


  • My mom squeezes an ungodly amount of lime juice, honey, and a bit of hot water into a cup. She may add some salt to balance out the sour limes so it's easier to drink. Great for sore throats and coughs.


  • My grandma brews a hot tea with lemongrass, ginger, and galangal. This spicy miracle tea is said to cure all illnesses (or so she says).


This drink is a more cold, refreshing take on a home remedy that’s usually served hot. It’s a great refreshing drink if you want something besides cold water. 


If you’re ever outdoors on a hot summery day, the herbal taste will bring some revitalized energy back into your workday!




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to cut lemongrass and limes


saucepan to boil honey syrup


19oz (550mL) reusable water bottle



Let's make limeade:

Prepare honey lemongrass syrup

  1. First things first, cut lemongrass and limes on cutting board. Lemongrass stalk should be able to fit into your saucepan. Set aside limes to be squeezed later.

  2. Measure out water and honey/sugar in equal parts into saucepan. Add lemongrass chunks into the mixture. Turn on the heat to medium-low and lightly boil for 6-8 minutes.

  3. The sugar should be dissolved and the syrup is slightly tinted from the lemongrass. Turn off the heat and set saucepan aside.

Prepare limeade mixture

  1. Squeeze 2-3 limes (about 1/2 cup) into 2 cups of water. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt.

  2. Add the honey lemongrass syrup in the limeade and stir. You can leave the lemongrass stalks in the drink to garnish or take them out.

  3. Taste and serve with ice. I make this in a portable water bottle and take it wherever I go!

Leftovers: Lemongrass Limeade Tea

How to properly put away your drink

  • Keep refrigerated in a bottle or cover in a pitcher to drink within 2-3 weeks. If you have lemongrass or lime slices floating in the drink, please remove when you store it (or else the peel/pulp will make it bitter). 

  • Freeze into ice cubes. You can store it for longer to prepare for sick seasons and hot summers. Add to unsweetened teas or heat up to drink warm.

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Sabaidee Chef © 2021 by Ginie (Gina Rattanakone).

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